5 Job Credits

Get 5 job credits which can be used to activate paid jobs and give them powerful benefits, including:

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Maximum job reach

A job listing that gets seen

Attract the right candidates, quickly, with a Waivly Work paid job listing. Waivly Work is home to over 100,000 jobseekers and used by them to find exciting positions at fast-growing, future-led companies. Posting your job listing on Waivly Work gets both your job and company infront of them and lets you get quality, serious applicants. Premier companies jobs are listed on Waivly Work, including Kraken, OpenSea, Binance, Meta, Coinbase, Republic, and many more.

Your job credit(s) can be used at anytime, meaning that you can purchase as many as you like and then use the credit(s) when you would like to.

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$ 129.00 USD