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Senior Software Engineer

Job Description

Posted on: 
May 29, 2024 is a new hiring platform that connects software engineers to opportunities with world-class companies. On Teamups you get a more relevant and growthful interviewing experience, you receive feedback on your performance, and you also get end-to-end support to improve your chances of getting hired.

Once you pass the Teamups interview, you become eligible for opportunities with all companies in the Teamups network (only complete the interview once). 🚀

Open opportunities

We partner with companies from Asia Pacific to Europe and the US, including well-known brands such as LINE MAN Wongnai. You can learn more about our partner companies here:


This role is a general application for senior and lead-level roles across all of our partner companies.


What to expect

There are two main steps in the Teamups interview (sequence may vary).

  1. Video interview introduction
    1. Interviewer: Teamups cofounder and CTO (Christian) or CEO (Viria)
    2. Duration: 15-25 mins
    3. Details: The goal is to learn more about your background, experience, and interest in the role, and for you to learn about how Teamups works.
    4. What we’re looking for: We are looking for growth-minded, down-to-earth, and team-oriented engineers who can communicate clearly, and have product thinking and foundational software skills.
    5. Sample questions:
      1. Tell me more about yourself and your experience.
      2. Why are you currently looking for a new role, and what kind of role are you looking for?
      3. Which 1-2 achievements are you most proud of, and why?
      4. What goals are you working towards in the next 6-9 months? What about in the next 3-5 years
  2. Technical assessment with behavioral video questions (async)
    1. Interview type: Take-home project (coding and 1-way video questions)
    2. Duration: Self paced (expected duration is roughly 4 hours–you have up to 1 week to complete it based on your availability–people tend to complete it on the weekend when they have more free time)
    3. Logistics:
      1. You will schedule a time to complete the interview based on your preferred time and date. At the time of your interview, we will send you an email with the detailed instructions and add you to the GitHub repo with the exercise. You can complete the exercise based on your schedule and availability–ideally within a couple of days up to a week.
      2. Components:
        1. Real-world coding exercise, via GitHub (4 hours, in your preferred tech stack)
        2. Technical and behavioral video questions, via Hireflix 1-way video (20 min)

After you complete the Teamups interview, we will share thorough feedback on your performance so that you can know your strengths and growth areas. You can see an example of our feedback here:


Not disclosed.

Additional Information

After you pass the Teamups interview, we will connect you with companies that match your preferences who are actively hiring senior+ level engineers for fast-tracked interviews.

Please let Teamups know that you found the position through Waivly Work as it supports us to be able to keep sharing exciting new positions.

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